fundraising for schools

Are you running out of ideas for PTA fundraising for schools?

As autumn approaches we have a few ideas you might like to try!

PTA fundraising for schools since lockdown has been a struggle for most. We now have a new prime minister in Liz Truss, we are facing an energy crisis and an increased cost of living, so usually the last thing people want to spend their hard earned cash on is fundraising. Many PTAs across the region are running out of ideas on how to raise funds without putting pressure on school staff, parents/carers, pupils and the local community who all pull together to keep the money coming in.

With autumn fast approaching there are some great activity ideas that could be introduced and we will explore these a little further here:

Fundraising for schools – A Scarecrow trail

Everyone can take part in this! Whether you’re young or old this is a fundraiser for the whole community. You can get crafty and go big by making scarecrows from pre-loved materials and placing them around your area, with maps to help find where the secret scarecrows have been hidden. If you don’t have the time or resources for this, posters of scarecrows or scarecrow-related clues can be dotted around your route instead.

Fundraising for schools – A Pumpkin competition

Whether you want to eat them or decorate them, pumpkins are great for autumn events. Perhaps a pumpkin pie competition (goes very well with Stilton cheese in fact!) or a pumpkin carving competition could help to raise funds. Toffee apples are cheap and easy to make and selling hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows or pumpkin-spiced lattes could also be a winner on a cold day.

Kids Fill The Bag!

One of our most popular fundraising schemes is our ‘Kids Fill The Bag’ scheme. All you have to do is collect 40 bin bags full of pre-loved clothes, paired shoes and household textiles and your school could earn a much-needed £500 per tonne of reusable donations. By simply filling up bin bags full of out-grown and unwanted garments, unclaimed lost property, or clothing cleared out from your wardrobes and cupboards at home, you can get a cash sum paid directly to your school – and the best bit is, if the market price increases, so does what we pay you!

With a range of great downloadable resources to promote your Kids Fill The Bag challenge, together we can work towards giving donated textiles a second lease of life and keeping it out of landfill.

raise money for schools through recycling

We hope you can use some of our ideas and if you’d like to have a FREE school branded recycling bin installed on your grounds for donations all year round contact us today to start your own recycling fundraiser.


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  • 020 3903 9933
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