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Do you need PTA fundraising ideas for your school in 2024?

Explore fantastic recycling initiatives for school fundraising with Kids Just Recycle

In the cost of living crisis, your school’s fundraising endeavours could be challenged this year, so if you are a dedicated PTA member, teacher or pupil reading this, you may like to consider textiles recycling as one way to raise money and protect our planet.

With our environment being a very hot topic, we have one or two remarkable ideas that everyone can embrace—a solution that involves readily available items and effortlessly transforms your pre-loved items into quick cash! Forget bake sales and sponsored swims – we invite you to join the movement of textile recycling—embracing clothing, paired shoes, and various household textiles.

Here at Kids Just Recycle, we have devised a brilliant method for turning your unwanted textiles into cash! With our profound commitment to recycling and reducing environmental impact caused by landfill use, any textiles we cannot repurpose in the UK are redirected to underserved communities abroad, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

So, how does participating in textile recycling with us contribute to your fundraising efforts?

Order a FREE school-branded textiles recycling bin, strategically place it on your school premises, facilitating students, parents, staff, and the local community to contribute their pre-worn yet reusable textiles. For every tonne of reusable textiles we collect, we’ll pay you up to £400.

Kids Fill The Bag LogoAlternatively, opt for our ‘Kids Fill The Bag’ challenge! Collect a minimum of 40 refuse sacks filled with textiles, and we’ll pay up to £500 for every tonne of reusable, quality textile donations and paired shoes.

If you have had a post-Christmas clear out of your wardrobes and drawers, we are certain you will have an abundance of clothing to contribute to your fundraising textiles bin and you will be helping to make money for your school for whatever you have planned for 2024 and beyond!

In a new report by Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), in the UK alone, the average adult has 118 items of clothing in their wardrobe; 33 of these items could potentially make up a further 25,176 new outfits, so less is definitely more. Four in five 18-24s buy clothes at least once a month and on average, the UK’s average monthly spend is £76.53 per person on clothing accounting for the whole population. And the staggering total? The UK adult population spends an estimated £4 billion on clothing!

The WRAP report states that “it’s not all doom and gloom. While we do have a big problem on our hands with fashion waste, there were some signs of progress to a more circular economy. We might be slowly moving away from throwaway fashion. Between 2013 and 2021, the predicted length of time people in the UK kept a range of clothes increased. We are keeping jeans, T-shirts and dresses for longer, even for another whole year on average when it comes to denim. But crucially we tend to keep pre-loved, second hand and vintage fashion longer than brand new items. This is potentially good news because it means all round we are learning to hold onto our clothes rather than turning to trends. Embracing second hand and vintage clothes is also great because of how used designer or branded clothing can be more affordable. In the long term it means you can save money buying pre-loved because you don’t have to replace your clothes as much.”

This is good news but remember we still have £4 billion worth of unworn clothing doing absolutely nothing when it could be keeping people warm at the very least, or just better loved by someone else.


PTA school fundraising ideas need not be complicated; they should be advantageous for all involved. By engaging with our Kids Just Recycle or Kids Fill The Bag initiatives, you effortlessly contribute to positive change. Visit our website’s brand-new resources page, featuring free downloadable posters for both schemes, allowing you to easily publicise your fundraising details.

If you’re in search of exceptional fundraising ideas for schools, explore the possibilities we offer by reaching out to our helpful and friendly team today!


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Book a textile bin today!

We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.