kids just recycle

How to raise money for schools through recycling

Want to try a new approach to recycling and get paid for it?

If you’re wondering how to raise money for schools through recycling projects, then you need look no further than Kids Just Recycle! We are all about sharing positive recycling ideas that will help raise money for your school – and all you have to do is sign up for a Kids Just Recycle Clothing Bin which is completely FREE of charge.

Order a FREE recycled branded clothing bin

We will design and personalise your bin in your school colours complete with logo, and then your school community can start to fill it up with pre-loved clothed, paired shoes and other household textiles. Not only through collecting all of these textile donations are you helping to keep them out of landfill, but you are also giving them a second chance at being reused and helping others who are less fortunate, at the same time.

With a big push on environmental topics and raising awareness about how we can better look after our planet and keep waste out of landfill, more and more schools are jumping on board with us to teach future generations about the importance of the three R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

We will pay up to £400 per tonne for reusable textiles and we are certain that a cash boost for your school would be very welcome! You can spend these additional funds on new school projects, equipment, facilities improvements or donate to your charity of choice.

We also have another idea of how to raise money for schools through recycling, and that is through our Kids Fill The Bag scheme. If you don’t have available space to install a static bin, we’ve come up with this great alternative and new recycling idea for schools – one that hasn’t been done a million times before. We want our future generation to experience how recycling can create a brighter future…after all, there is no Planet B.

All you have to do is collect 40 bin bags full of pre-loved clothes, paired/tied shoes and household textiles and your school could earn a whopping £500 per tonne! We will pay you 50p per kilo for all reusable donations we collect from you.

By simply filling up your bin bags full of out-grown and unwanted garments, unclaimed lost property items, or clothing cleared out from your wardrobes and cupboards at home, you can get a cash sum paid directly to your school!

If your school would like to start a ‘recycling’ drive and begin to raise funds through vital textiles recycling, contact one of our friendly team today. It’s a wonderful way to get the whole school community working together as a team to earn extra cash for your school and be kinder to our environment.

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Book a textile bin today!

We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.