Recycling Ideas

Graphic of light bulb moment
Fundraising has always been a cornerstone of school communities, but the last few years have presented many unique challenges. With cutbacks for…
Kids Fill The bag Recycling and Fundraising
Take on a brand new challenge for your Christmas fundraiser In recent years, there has been a significant shift in environmental awareness,…
Jumble sale clearance service
Would you like to get paid even for the items you didn’t sell at your fundraiser? Fundraising for Scouts and Girl Guides…
school uniform recycling
The things we find when we empty school clothing bins! As you can imagine, we find some pretty interesting items in our…
world image in hands Keep clothes out of landfill
It’s huge step to reduce the fashion industry’s carbon footprint. Around 25% of waste created by the fashion sector – added to…
plastic bottle PET
Look for the #1 symbol and recycle the right way Addressing single-use plastics is a significant global challenge, yet not all plastic…
childrens play bricks
The preservation of our environment is no longer an option; it’s a necessity. Our increasing population, rising pollution levels, and technological hunger…
colour pencils arranged to make a heart shape in the negative space
Did you know there is a way to donate pre-loved clothing, paired shoes and household textiles and get paid for it? We…
Graphic of light bulb moment
Explore fantastic recycling initiatives for school fundraising with Kids Just Recycle In the cost of living crisis, your school’s fundraising endeavours could…
donating clothes to earn extra money for schools
As the New Year fast approaches, we have new goals and a fresh strategy to support your school! As the festive school…

Book a textile bin today!

We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.