plastic bottle PET

Teaching kids about PET

Look for the #1 symbol and recycle the right way

Addressing single-use plastics is a significant global challenge, yet not all plastic packaging is equal. Easily identifiable by its #1 symbol, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) stands out as the most recycled plastic packaging in Europe. Unlike its single-use counterparts, PET is designed for reusability, with the unique capability of closed-loop, bottle-to-bottle recycling.

Pioneered in the 1940s, PET’s lightweight and robust nature make it an ideal candidate for the packaging industry. Its safety for food packaging, both pre and post-recycling, has gained global approval from governments and big organisations. PET has become the cornerstone of packaging solutions, particularly in the bottled water and soft drinks sectors, where 70% of products are packaged in PET bottles.

PET offers environmental benefits too with a smaller carbon footprint compared to alternatives, it stands as the world’s most recyclable plastic. Its energy-efficient manufacturing process, coupled with its lightweight design, reduces the need for excessive packaging and transportation fuel, lowering carbon emissions. Furthermore, PET bottles have become 40% lighter since 2000, proving a commitment to improvements in sustainability.

Its near-infinitely recyclable nature diminishes the demand for new PET production, further reducing emissions. Recycled PET products show up to a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to virgin PET. Its high recyclability keeps more out of landfill with approximately 58% of PET bottles being recycled in Europe.

Consumers can easily identify PET products by locating the #1 symbol, so they can make informed and sustainability-positive choices when shopping. PET’s safety credentials are well-established, approved for direct food contact by EU regulations, the US FDA, and health agencies globally. Its properties prevent environmental contamination, making it the perfect plastic for food and medical packaging, pharmaceuticals, and PPE.

It’s a pivotal player in sustainable packaging solutions, providing recyclability, safety, and environmental responsibility. By teaching our school-aged children how to look for the #1 symbol can encourage better recycling habits for a greener future.

Other ways to help children understand about recycling – and earn your school up to £400!

Here at Kids Just Recycle, we accept a wide range of items, including clothing, paired shoes/trainers, household fabrics like linen, towels, curtains, sleeping bags (donated to our homeless charity partner HandsOn London), and even balls of wool for a special group who knit soft toys in support of The Samaritans. By installing one of our FREE recycled clothing bins in your school premises and filling it with pre-loved textiles, means that you could earn £400 per reusable tonne we collect from you!

Recycling old clothes and household textiles is a hassle-free way to earn cash for your school community. If you want to learn more about how Kids Just Recycle can help fund your school projects, feel free to contact us for more information.

Our friendly team is ready to discuss how to turn unwanted items into a valuable resource for your school.


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