Getting involved in a school recycling program is a time that brings everyone together for the sake of our planet. To get one of these school recycling programs off the ground requires the support of teachers, PTAs, pupils and their families and anyone else who wants to support the program. Teaching our kids how to create a path or a greener and longer future is so important. We have already seen reports that our millennials aren’t doing enough to change the way we approach textiles recycling with over 43% of them happy for their unwanted clothes to end up in landfill rather than recycle or donate to charity.
How can I get involved in school recycling programs
With over 34,000 schools in the UK, just think if every school ran a school recycling program just once a year, how much of a positive impact that would have on our environment. So, here’s how you can get involved:
Textiles/Clothing Bins
Here at Kids Just Recycle, we work with many schools creating branded clothing bins for you to recycle your unwanted household textiles and any clothing or shoes that you no longer need – and it doesn’t cost you a penny! We will provide you with a personalised, school-branded bin, free of charge for you to fill and when it is, we will come and collect it and pay you per tonne collected or offer you an upfront cash payment. This is a super way to get everyone involved and make money for your school, charity of choice or to support any local projects.
If you are looking for other ‘free’ ways to get your school onboard with a recycling program, here’s how:
Paper Recycling – paper is the main culprit in a school making up about a quarter of all rubbish. Why not contact your local council and ask them for a free paper recycling bin?
Metal recycling – this one is good for secondary schools that have vending machines installed. You can contact your local council and ask them to provide a free bin for cans, which can be placed alongside your vending machine – look around for ‘cash for cans’ programs in your area too!
Happy recycling!