kids just recycle

Recycling for children

Recycling for children isn’t the most exciting of tasks around the home – after all a treat or reward is often given for jobs well done, like tidying their toys away or brushing their teeth without argument! But there are ways that recycling for children can be fun – you just need a little imagination.

Kids love to feel involved – to be part of something – no matter how big or small. Why not give them some responsibility? You could start off with easy tasks like getting them to help sort items for recycling so they know how it works; you could then ask them to draw some signs at home to indicate what goes where. Make them recycling monitor at home or at school; give them the responsibility for making sure that adults and other children are recycling into the correct boxes or bins.

By setting a good example with your own recycling habits means that your children will probably adopt the same behaviour. Children watch what adults do and they learn from it. If you are an avid recycler, then the probability is that your child will be too – however, if not, you may be creating another non-recycler, which isn’t going to help them teach others in the future or have a positive impact on saving our planet. When you see your child recycle something of their own free will, praise them!


Recycling for children

Do you show the environmental effects when teaching recycling for children?

Don’t be afraid to show them the consequences of not recycling. Show them pictures of landfill sites, animals that have lost their homes through deforestation, the amount of plastic dumped in our oceans and the impact that has on sea life. Greenpeace produced a heart-wrenching advertisement in 2018 which appeals to adults and children – with a very clear message indeed. Watch it here:

If you would like to help reduce landfill use and create a better environment, get in touch with us and see how we can work together by recycling unwanted clothing and textiles. It’s a great way to introduce recycling for children.


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