fund raising ideas for schools notes

PTA fundraising ideas for 2023

How much does your PTA raise each year? Could you do with a £400 cash boost to take your fundraising to the next level?

There are lots of creative ways to fundraise for your school and the Kids Just Recycle team will share a few of the new and popular ones with you now. You never know, you might just add something new into the mix – after all, school fundraising ideas can quickly become repetitive and demanding on volunteer time, so here are a few fresh ideas to try!

Silent auction: Parents and local businesses can donate prizes or services. Donate a bottle of fizz, a restaurant voucher or build a website or mow a lawn! Let the parents and the local community share their time and talents.

Parent advice evening: Invite a speaker to the school to do a talk on their specialist subject – this could include internet safety, climbing Everest, first aid, mental health awareness or parenting tips for your year group. Add in refreshments for sale and charge for entrance.

Popcorn machine hire/buy: Arrange a movie night in the school hall and offer the sale of popcorn for the kids! For any parents who are joining in, they can purchase beer and wine and soft drinks to enjoy as well.

Artists’ gallery:  Invite a local artist into school to inspire and motivate the children to create their own works of art. These can then be priced, hung and purchased! Selling off children’s artwork gallery style is a great way to encourage a love for art and raise money.

Ice lolly sales: As the weather gets warmer, why not have an ice lolly sale after school? A great refreshing and cooling alternative to a bake sale! Ice pops and jubblies are great for this as you can buy a bulk lot and store them unfrozen until you need them!

PTA fundraising ideas for 2023

The Kids Just Recycle Team have also come up with an eco-friendly way for you to earn cash for your unwanted textiles! We are talking about . We are passionate about recycling and minimising environmental damage caused by landfill sites and giving textiles a second lease of life.

You can order a FREE school-branded textiles recycling bin situated in your school grounds for pupils, parents, staff, and the local community to donate their preloved textiles. We will pay £400 based on every tonne of textiles we collect that is reusable and in good condition. We also have another scheme, if you’d prefer not to have a fixed recycled clothing bin in your grounds and that is Kids Fill The Bag! Simply collect a minimum of 40 refuse sacks full of textiles and we will pay you up to £500 for every tonne of good quality textiles donations and paired shoes that we can reuse.

Our fundraising textile recycling ideas don’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. They are beneficial for everyone involved and together we can make positive change. We’ve even got a printable resources page on our website where you can find free downloadable posters for the Kids Just Recycle and The Kids Fill The Bag schemes, so you can print them off and publicise your fundraising details.

We hope that your school will benefit from the ideas we have shared with you and if you are interested in recycling your school community’s textiles, contact one of our helpful and friendly team today!


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Book a textile bin today!

We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.