Primary school recycling

Primary school recycling initiatives are a fun and educational way to start our future generation thinking more about the amount of waste we produce, where it goes and the adverse effects it has on the world we live in. By generating a primary school recycling scheme, you can help pupils understand the huge impact that can be made by making small changes to the way we deal with waste products.

How to encourage primary school recycling

There are many ways to encourage children to make an environmental contribution and here are just a few ideas of what you can recycle and reuse. Hopefully this will be useful in getting your primary school recycling initiative off of the ground. Recycling works in very different ways and for lots of our everyday use items, it all depends on the material:

Primary school recycling

  • Paper is mixed with water to remove the ink; this is called pulp which is dried and squashed to make brand new sheets of paper.
  • Tin cans like your baked beans or cat food tins are soaked in chemicals which separate the tin coating from the steel; the tin is melted, and the steel is crushed so that both can be made into new tins.
  • Glass from jars or bottles can be broken down into small pieces and melted. This liquid glass can then be shaped and reused into something else.
  • Aluminium cans such as fizzy pop cans are melted down and cleaned. The aluminium can then be moulded into new cans or other useful items.
  • Textiles that you no longer need such as old clothes, shoes or household fabrics can be donated into one of our FREE Kids Just Recycle clothing bins. We then empty the bin when it is full and pay your school a cash payment for your donation. We make sure that all clothes are sorted and distributed to people in need across the UK and abroad, so as to avoid further landfill use.

Contact us today to start your primary school recycling project!


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We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.