kids just recycle

Kids recycling at school

Kids recycling at school can be fun and it teaches them to take better care of our environment; it’s a learning experience that they will hopefully adopt throughout their lifetime. From a very early age, it’s a very important part of growing up which teaches them key skills such as responsibility, respect, empathy and an understanding that our actions have consequences.

Educating them on the danger of landfill rubbish and the ‘bizarre’ concept of burying rubbish in the ground is a good way to help them understand the harmful eco effects we create and how this impacts on our environment. Here at Kids Just Recycle, we know that kids recycling at school can be a positive and educational exercise as it helps them to realise how precious the earth is. It also encourages them to create a better environment for the future by learning about sustainability on land and in our seas.

Kids recycling at school

Kids recycling at school or at home

Starting kids recycling at school or home forms good habits and once they have mastered the art of general recycling, they can spread their knowledge into school, after school clubs or even by educating their friends who may need a little eco encouragement. Simply by recycling old clothes and textiles means we have instantly reduced harmful landfill and gives less fortunate families, in the UK and in poorer countries, the opportunity to reuse the clothes we no longer need without them going to waste.

Lots of recyclable items can be turned into creative or useful items for children by reusing them in a craft session. When our youngsters realise that everyday items can easily be turned into something else that is useful, it gives them a sense of purpose, an incentive to recycle more and builds a healthier attitude towards caring for our planet.

Children can make a world of difference and a different world.



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