recycle childrens shoes

How do you recycle old clothes?

When it comes to recycling old clothes, there are a few options available. One of them is to take them along to a charity shop and donate them, but did you know that if they think the item is not resalable, it will eventually go into landfill sites or be incinerated – and neither is good for the environment.

Don’t Add To Landfill

Here at Kids Just Recycle, we have a very different approach; we are passionate about recycling unwanted clothes, paired shoes and household textiles, and ultimately reducing environmental damage by minimising landfill use by a staggering 94%.  Any clothes that cannot be reused here in the UK, are sent overseas to help poorer families in need.

So, how do you recycle old clothes with us?

We specialise in installing FREE branded textile recycling bins in public and commercial areas with high footfall, encouraging communities to donate pre-loved clothes, shoes and household textiles as a way to generate additional funds. We will pay £300 based on every tonne of textiles we collect and with many people spending more time at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, there is an abundance of clothing in need of recycling. Whilst we remain in lockdown, there has never been a better time to install one of our FREE clothes recycling bins.

childrens shoes how do you recycle

We are already working with many primary and secondary schools, local authorities, village halls, scouts/girl guide groups and private business owners to help reduce the impact on our planet and help them to raise much-needed funds for community projects.

Did you know that:

  • 8% of all greenhouse gases come from the textile industry.
  • Fast fashion (cheap and quickly made poor quality garments) manufacturing means poor quality working conditions and pay, especially for women.
  • We would need to consume 13 years’ worth of drinking water to equal the amount of water used to make one top and pair of jeans.
  • Whenever you install a Recycled Clothing Banks recycling bin, you are helping to make a big difference for other people around the world and our environment.

We make it easy for you to recycle old clothes

Our professional and efficient service is second to none and hassle-free, and we have an expertly trained team of uniformed, ID-wearing staff to take care of the maintenance of our recycling bins; all you need to do it leave it to us.

Now you know what to do when someone asks, ‘how do you recycle old clothes?’ – just call our team here at Kids Just Recycle.


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Book a textile bin today!

We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.