fund raising ideas for schools notes

Did you know a free clothes bin for schools can raise £400?

It’s the best way to keep clothes out of landfill and get paid for it

When it comes to ringing in the new year, we often make our resolutions and have a good clear out. Maybe there are clothes you’ve never worn, no longer fit or you never really liked lurking in your wardrobes and drawers? Generally, the way most people get rid of pre-loved clothing is to take them along to a charity shop and donate them, but more and more charity shops are full to clothing capacity and won’t take anymore items.

FREE clothes for bins schools

However, if these items have no welcoming second home, then they are likely to go into landfill sites or be incinerated –neither of which is good for the environment.

Here at Kids Just Recycle, we have a strong environmental conscience and a very different approach.

We specialise in installing FREE clothes for bins schools which are completely personalised and we offer this to other local facilities such as club/leisure areas. This encourages local communities to donate unwanted, but reusable clothes, shoes and household textiles as a way to generate much-needed additional funds for schools.

We pay you the market price which is currently £400.00 for every tonne of donated clothing and textiles we collect from you. We are passionate about recycling unwanted clothes, paired shoes and household textiles and we are on a mission to reduce environmental damage caused by landfill use. By donating your garments to us, we help disadvantaged people in the UK who really need help and your donations make such a difference. Any clothes that cannot be reused here in the UK, we send overseas to help poorer families in need.

We are already working With many primary and secondary schools, local authorities, village halls, scouts/guide groups and private business owners to help reduce the impact on our planet and help them to raise much-needed funds for community projects.

How to install a FREE clothes for bins schools

If you’d like to install a FREE branded clothes bin for schools in your area, just let us know and we will do the rest. All you need to do is provide us with your school logo artwork and we will take care of everything else. Once your bin has been installed, you need never worry about any unsightly mess around your recycled textiles bin either as our professional and efficient service is second to none, hassle-free, and we have an expertly trained team of uniformed, ID-wearing staff to take care of the maintenance of your bins; all you need to do is collect and get paid.

You could put the money from your clothing donations towards funding a new school project, buy new equipment, pay for essential building works, or expand school club programmes or make a donation to your local charity; the opportunities are endless.

So you if you’d to know more about how to arrange a free clothes bin for schools, just call our friendly team here at Kids Just Recycle.

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Book a textile bin today!

We can supply your textile recycling bin within 14 days.